Here we are, house footprint chalked out on the ground and equipment at the ready. We are about to officially begin ground breaking. Very exciting!!
Here is the footprint of the house. The large tree in the center is actually in the "kitchen". It is a Ciruelo (wild plum). To the right is a pitahaya cactus - it is on the terrace outside the bedroom. Both of these plants have to be moved. This part of the property and the lot behind us was scraped by the rancher when the original subdivision occurred many years ago. Fortunately this is where the house is going anyway. The lower part of the property has some trees, mostly the wild plum and a few lomboy.
The foundation being dug. The soil is decomposed granite, a very solid foundation for building a house. It compacts very well and provides good drainage.
The trenches are now dug for the foundation. This soil is so compacted they would have had to use a crowbar or pick to dig it in the past. So the backhoe has really changed how this work gets done. Not long ago - like maybe 3 years, there were no backhoes available for this work in the area. Everything was done by hand.
The moving of the pitahaya cactus - above and to the left. This is not a trivial job. It is a big cactus, breaks easily and has nasty thorns. These men are not wearing gloves. The man with the hat has the situation well in hand. His son is running his machine and following his fathers instructions carefully.
Pataya relocated in the foreground and the wild plum in the background both looking like they have always been there. The plum is now happily standing up tall! Its hardly recognizable as the same tree that had been blown over by Hurricane John 5 years ago.
The men take a well deserved rest.
The septic tank has been built on site.
I'm getting a view from the floor level, wearing my personalized Casa shirt. Carlos, our contractor supplied these shirts for all the crew and Lorne and I. A nice touch and good advertising for CMC Construction (large letters on the back).
The first concrete pour for the footings!
The first concrete pour for the top of the septic tank.
Here is part of the 12 man relay team - one man (67 years old) loading buckets of gravel, two men filling buckets of sand and one guy emptying them into the mixer. Another man responsible to add the bags of concrete and water and to mix to exactly the right consistency. Three men on the wheel barrels and when the concrete is ready they are ready to take their load. There are a dozen men working from dawn till dusk with three short breaks each day.
Below, the footings taking shape.
Stay tuned.... more progress to follow.
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