Welcome to Mostly Musing - My Travel Blog

This blog is about our travels to Baja California, Mexico in our Classic 1976 GMC Motorhome. We have traveled there since 2005. I hope any readers enjoy the blog and I appreciate any comments.

This years travels to Baja begin from our Victoria driveway the end of October 23rd, 2013.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A friend and unexpected activity

Just as we had settled in at the Crescent City RV Park, each on our own laptop, there was a tapping at the door, know it wasn't Santa – I said “I’ll bet its Dawne!” Sure enough it was! She has been here in Crescent Beach for a few days and was planning on pulling out in the morning! I thought we might run into her here, I remember that Dawne spent time here before with Ian and Debi and they liked it a lot. Well, we would like it too if it wasn’t raining sideways, foggy, lighthouse foghorn harmonizing with the tiedown straps for our kayaks… It really is a spectacular beautiful place, however, if we were seeking this kind of weather we would have stayed at home!

So, we will travel with Dawne in the morning to Vichy Hotsprings Resort just outside Ukiah. This about 200 miles south of Crescent Beach. Hmmm…. Driving a twisty turny narrow road in the pouring rain… fun.

December 21
Well, it was exactly that – twisty turny narrow and pouring! However, the good side was the amazing redwoods! These are incredible trees – massive, tall and straight – as high as 300 feet! Wow!

We planned on meeting Dawne at the Hotsprings – however, by the time we got to Ukiah it was 6:00. It was very slow going for us on those twisty roads. Dawne had checked into the Days Inn and was making her dinner so we agreed to meet at the hotsprings in the morning. Just as we pulled off the highway one of our back tires went flat – Lorne heard it – I opened the door and then I could hear it too - ssssss! And indeed within seconds and before my eyes it went from an inflated tire to sitting on the rim! Very fast! We are so lucky that it didn’t do that on the freeway. So – we had dinner, Good Sams came out and changed the tire for us and told us where to go to get the tire repaired in the morning.

In Search of a Tire
The store they told us about didn’t have the tire we needed and they said they wouldn’t repair ours as the piece of shrapnel that punctured it also ripped a belt – this thing was a piece of steel ¼ inch thick, an equilateral triangle with sides as long as my index finger – about 2.5 inches. So we cancelled the hot springs. Dawne went on to Calistoga Hot Springs, and off we went to Costco in Santa Rosa (who were supposed to have our tire). They didn’t have it either so now we are on our way to the Costco in Modesto who does. We will meet up with Dawn at Potrero on New Years and cross over at Tecate.

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