Our realtor from last year sent us a few emails to see if we were interested in seeing anything and finally we made a list of things. So long story short and four offers later we now own a lot in an area of Los Barriles called Las Brisas. Its beautiful! Its fairly flat as these lots go with a fantastic 360 degree view of the water, the arroyo and up into the mountains. We are very excited about it and hope to start building by August – September. Of course we have to officially own it first and at this point it is in escrow in Colorado. We expect it to close by the end of June, all going well, and then we will really own it. Well, we will own it for 50 years renewable.... Buying a property in Mexico can be quite interesting to say the least. We are doing what we are supposed to do with lots of guidance from the realtor, the lawyer and friends.
We had hoped for a “turn key” but it seems like house owners still want more than what Lorne is prepared to pay in this economy, plus there is not really anything that excites us within our price range. So… we will build what we want.
Now comes the exciting part! Designing what we want to build and then…. Building! There is not much building going on now, so, there are lots of builders available and they are charging much less than a few years ago. Unfortunately, building supplies are still expensive. We have found an architect from La Paz who has come down to meet with us and to photograph the lot and the views. Here’s hoping for all good things at not very much money…..
We slept overnight on our lot for the two nights before we left town. These two photos are of the sunrise. The video below is taken from the roof of the motor home.